
PimpGuide.com is a New York City company established in 2004 to provide high quality products for today’s sophisticated man. Taking our advice and utlizing the products and information provided one can become a more refined playa-pimp—not no damn prostitutin’ pimp, but today’s modern well-kept, “smooth operator”….as we are a strong supporter of responsible, safe, and equally mutual sex. PimpGuide.com aims to offer all the necessities to aid today’s mackdaddy- from satisfying the girl and keep her coming back for mo’ to hookin oneself up with a sweet bachelor pad.

In addition to our hand selected product line, we want to utilize our site to help promote rising talent- musicians, models, writers, and artists so feel free to send us a note with your work and goals. As PimpGuide.com grows we plan to highlight those outstanding talented individuals we support.


So if you’re like us and you’re tired of all those sloppy sites out there claiming to be pimp, then join the PimpGuide.com movement. We want to build a relationship with our fellow pimps out there, as we know the game can get rough and you’ll always need the latest tricks up your sleeve.

Sit back and relax. Shop for some items to impress the ladies, read some pimp quotes, and check out the ladies…your feedback and support will help us create a playa pimp’s genre of the 21st century.


Interested in working for or partnering with PimpGuide.com? We are always looking for hard working individuals yearning to synergize with a young company. Whether you’re interested in modeling, affiliate sales, or editing and writing, PimpGuide.com appreciates your interest and supports your creativity.

Parallel Phenomena Subsidiary
239 E. 24th St.
Studio 7
New York, NY 10010
